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Top 5 Reasons to Try Hot Yoga This Year

I ended last year with very positive energy that transcended into the new year with the addition of yoga into my life. I wonder now why I hadn't started this years ago. The yogi methods are an ancient discipline of breaths, posture and meditation to achieve a balance of physical and mental liberation. And if it's 'ancient' and has worked to achieve such a union for umpteen years, I wonder why we all haven't followed suit long before?! Well, the answer to this is in the word 'discipline'. It's a true commitment of time, physical being and mind set over matter to achieve this kind of balance.

" whom much is given, shall be much required" Luke 12:48

I have taken a few friends with me as companions on this journey to yogiism. Yet, I currently stand alone in my quest (of 2 months, LOL ;-). Maybe others fell off because of the discipline factor, or maybe because of the extreme heat. Yes, I am challenging myself with hot yoga, which means lots of breath practice and mantras to balance through the posture holds and the 90 degree temperatures. It's no joke trying to sustain during the hour of intense practice and mind resistance, although the end is always so rewarding. You just have to focus with each breath through each posture. As my instructor says, "Know that change is always coming and is only a few breaths away". For me 'warrior' is not only a posture. Warrior is meme as I emerge from the intense heat and workout as a champion that has conquered and defied what my mind told my body it couldn't possibly do!

Here are my favorite aspects of yoga thus far, from a beginners perspective, and the same reasons I would encourage anyone to considering this ancient practice of mental, physical and spiritual well being.

1. Meditation~ I have found that my mind can be still! I've gotten to the point where I can 'flow' (and not fumble) my way through yogi poses because my mind is 'quiet' having tuned out all other thoughts. In this quiet state, my focus is complete on achieving each movement, while concentrating on each breath. I am practicing this in my everyday doings outside of the yoga studio...I'm still a work in progress ;-).

2. Breathing~ Yes, it's true! Focused breathing and a rhythmic of inhales and exhales really manages the bodies abilities. I have begun to practice this technique in pressure situations and yep, it still works!

3. Fluidity~ Oh, I have found that there's nothing like the satisfaction of a completed yoga session ;-) Not only are you done holding difficult poses (LOL), but your body feels so much more relaxed and fluid. My posture has significantly improved. I wasn't even sore after my first class. I would say that I was limber. As our bodies age, the spine wants to stiffen and resist flexibility. Defying this is what keeps me going back (No pun intended..."back" ;-)

4. Detoxification~ Yes, this is the 'hot' part of my yoga class. Warning- You will sweat profusely! I bring my yoga mat, a yoga towel ( goes over my mat to avoid the mat getting slippery) and two hand towels because I have to wipe the dripping sweat! Once it's all over, I do feel detoxed, like I've sweated out the impurities and the kooties ;-) I'm sure that the heat also warms up the muscles to aid in more flexibility.

5. Lastly, my yogi mantra is to "Do one thing everyday that scares you." (-Eleanor Roosevelt) Although I haven't made it to the 'everyday' part of this mantra for yoga or something new daily, I'm working my way up there. I like that hot yoga is challenging me to move the boundaries that I have preset on myself for probably noting more than sheer comfort.


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