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Zest & Zen

With only 5 more days 'til Christmas, I thought it'd be a good reminder for us all to take an inhale, followed by a big exhale, along with a dose of keep calm. I was recently reminded of a zesty way to naturally zen out. I just adore those Cuties brand clementines that fit easily into your purse or the cup holder of your car. I mean, they're so convenient, right? But that's not all ~ They are quick to peel, seedless, and are such a great way to curve anxiety and keep it calm. Here are some of these little Cuties' detoxing benefits:

~Of course Vitamin C benefits and other vital nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium

~Emotional benefits: calmness, relaxation and greater focus

~Physical benefits: cleanser, detoxifier, balance of electrolytes and refreshing in taste (the zest!)

Clementines are a hybrid cross of the sweet orange and the mandarin orange. They are delightful alone or added to your water to create a refreshing sports drink. They also keep you looking good (hince the brand name, Cuties ;-) as they aid in the synthesis of collagen in the skin (That's one less thing to stress about!). Easily said that one of these a day, keeps the wrinkles away!

As an essential oil, clementines are used in aromatherapy as a pain and stress reliever and as an aid in mental clarity.

Even if only for a moment, we can escape the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Grab a Cuties, or dab on a bit of clementine oil to keep calm and carry on.


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