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Productive Things To Do While Snowed In

Have you experienced the snowed-in days like I have? Many of us are experiencing the winter storm and the extreme snowy conditions. For me living in a Beach town, we are not at all experienced in how to handle snow. We got about 8 inches, and everything shut down! I wish I had taken pictures of the amount of people at the grocery stores and the bare naked shelves. If I wasn't so annoyed with not being able to find anything that I wanted to buy, I could have remembered to capture the moment. My Kroger store was really winning that evening , and I'm not mad at that ;-) For me though, I had to find zen at a less crowded store.

The snow has gifted us with a weekend of down time. I've had a chance to cook every day, and I mean really good meals! dring this and had a chance to organzize my

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