My 2017 Blogger Bloopers

This is how the day started on my IG Stories...Blue
eyebrows and all!

What a finish!...Blue eyebrows and all! Good save on anyone having to say, "What was she thinking?!"

It takes a village to put together me in a good pic! That's because it doesn't always go as planned. This post for Kiko Milano was a winner! But...It took more than a few tries and even scenery changes to get it just right!

This was just taken a few weeks ago at Christmas time. I sat down to pose and ended up with a Charlie horse! What are the chances?! Bananas...Yes, please!

Speaking of the holidays...Do I look a little unsure about this pose for BootayBag?! Honestly, I truly loved this shoot for such a great cause! Thank GOD we nailed this one very quickly. There were construction workers nearby, and this pose was definitely a little awkward with an audience

My daughter is always getting on me for trying new poses that are not "me" ! I just give her "the look" (see above), and then I ultimately end up listening to her (since she is the one in charge behind the camera!).

This is the shot that ended up making it on Instagram!
This could be awkward...except it's Funny Friday! Fast forward and it's already the second Friday of 2018! A really delightful part of my 2017 was being able to capture so many of the year's moments in photo and video to never be forgotten. My daughter is my photographer for most of my everyday portraits, so I had the pleasure of having my right hand girl right in front of me almost every step of the way! We had so many fun times, good memories and even more silly laughs along the way. Most of the silly laughs because I’m very awkward when it comes to natural poses; at least I was when we started photographing at the beginning of 2017. She says I’ve finally come a long way ;-)
To close the year, I thought it'd be fun to include you in on some of our laugh out loud moments. Unfortunately, these are all pictures of me, and none of her since she’s the one in charge behind the camera (smart girl). Occasionally Prince George, the pup and Courtly, the cat make an appearance!
I believe one should try not to take themselves too seriously, so in good spirit let’s all have a little laugh at me! Happy 2018, Y’all!

Sometimes we get photo bombed! Prince George was also outside...and clearly eyeballing (with tongue out and everything) the cake. We got rid of both problems...the cake and Prince George, too! The finish...A nice, clean summer shot.

I think summer shoots just make Prince George tired (insert yawn). Bless his little heart, he's always the willing participant...Unlike Courtly, the cat who's always trying to take apart the perfect scene! She's never willing to stay still, pose, and just do it for the Gram!

I'm certainly all about the summer...but these are some awkward poses!
Bad witch much?...I promise, I wasn't yelling at the photographer...I'm not even sure what this pose is all about???!!!

...Back to being "the good witch"!

The Mister's mouth dropped when he saw this mat from our kitchen immersed in the Atlantic Ocean! He should know by now the lengths I'll go for the perfect shot!
Here are more examples of "Glad we took more than one pic!"

Who says I can't chew bubble gum and walk?!...Uh, these pics said so...

...Nailed it! One of my fav whimsical shots!

Had to enlist The Mister to take this pic when my real photog was away. OMG! It was like pulling teeth to finally get this usable shot! I couldn't keep a straight face. He's a better comedian than photographer ;-)

And next bring on the wardrobe malfunctions! I mean, nothing R rated, just a tag out here, and noticeable wrinkles there...making for the best, beautiful, unusable pics!

Remember the poodle party?! Probably my favorite shoot of 2017! These precious pups were absolutely the best on this really hot day!...But we did have to employ a few tricks to keep their paws in place. Meet the "head poodle" AKA photographer, Kory who spent a good amount of time hidden under the table holding dog tails and paws in place to make this all come together!
Who could forget the week after my dental work when I was stuck with the "chipmunk cheek"?

Or...How I loved this pic...but rendered it unusable after being photo bombed by the toilet!

And...Finding out first hand that teeth whitening tutorials are not exactly flattering!

For most of the year, selfies were not easy for me to accomplish...proving my age, probably! I was so excited to meet one of the wives of R&B legends K-Ci and Jo Jo...but I forgot the flash when we took the selfie together! "Hi! I'm a blogger"...Embarrassing!
The only consolation is that I did not try that weird winking thing (like in the below pic) in this selfie with Jo Jo's wife!

Uh Oh! Looks like Prince George is trying to run out of this really put together scene...
...I'd better catch him!
So 2017...
That's a wrap!
Cheers to more better bloopers in 2018 ;-)