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Time to Kick Up My Heels

Yay! I have moved out of my old house and into our transition home! As I'm sure you know, moving can be a beast. So this weekend, I plan to take a moment to kick up my heels and just breath a sigh of relief that the moving part is over. Of course, we're not out of the woods just yet. There's still tons to organize and arrange in the house as we settle in. But I can look forward to spring sunny weather during this time. I'm telling y'all, I really get my energy and motivation from the sun! ;-) Here are a few things on my immediate to do list:

~Plant spring flowers. I potted hostas plants last season and they are beginning to bud; so time to get them in the ground!

~Organize my mail and paper files that I have been seriously neglecting over the last month while packing to move.

~Order Prince George, my doggy, a new crate. I'm looking for a new, decorated one that blends in like it's a piece of furniture. Look at this one HERE.

~Order Courtly, the kitty a cat tower so that she can sun. We had a large garden window in my old kitchen that had shelves that she claimed as her own and napped and sunned there throughout the day. I'll need to get her a cat tower to replace how high she was able to sit in the window before. This is the one that I have my eye on for her, HERE.

~Have The Mister assemble THIS cookware stand that I just received in the mail.

Well, that's enough for my immediate list of to do's. Thanks for reading ;-) and follow my progress on these tasks here and on IG!

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