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New Year's Resolutions Can be Fun

Hey Team, MKC!

Yes, I'm talking to you! All MacKenzie-Childs lovers, collectors, loyalists and admirers; what's on your 2017 wish lists? I bet I can tell you what's on mine! Better yet, I can even show it to you in a flash, which I'll get to in just a moment ;-)

Isn't the new year all about setting goals? Who says you can't set goals that reward yourself? Smart, huh? I shop for a many ladies each year, and in particular at the annual MKC Barn Sale. My clients start their new lists of MKC goodies right after receiving their new items from the current year! Why wait? It's a new year and all about goal setting. Along with the usual resolutions of eat better and organize more, don't leave out a reward for yourself in between. With all of the resolutions and goal setting, the best way to achieve any of this is to commit to it by first writing it down.

I don't get anything done with out writing it down. "Write it down" should be my mantra. I say it to my kids ALL the time! If it were my official mantra, I'd have to whimsy it up with a few descriptions like "Write it down on Sugar Paper," or "Write is down with colorful ink".

I must admit that I have been so blessed to have been able to work for myself for the past 10 years. Experience has taught me so much, and as our family business evolved within this time, we created systems that have been nurtured for years to run like clock work as they do now. This brings opportunity in my life for new adventures! Thus, I have added a commitment to this forum where I can share my everyday passions and creativity in hopes that it will inspire innovation and whimsy in your everyday doings. I choose to live a life of living out loud with lot's of exclamation marks!!! (LOL ;-) I love to share because energy is contagious. With this new endeavor, goal setting is more important than ever to make this a worthwhile place for you to continue to visit and enjoy.

...Write the vision and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:2)

Now don't get me wrong, I certainly have made resolutions for health and wellness this year, which I am anxious to share with you in a new future post. But for now I wanted to mention a more whimsical goal setting idea. MacKenzie-Childs, obviously my fav, and I'm thinking an interest of yours since you're reading. Well, they have made it really easy to create your plan. On their website is a handy wish list maker and you simply create an account and start adding to it! You can even share your wish list with family and friends by selecting the button to "Make This List Public". Voila! Your friends and family can now search for your favorites via your name or e-mail address. You can even specify the quantity of the item that you want. I think this works well for my household. I always begin with a plan, and inch by inch cinch away at my purchases without draining the family finances all at one time! You'll notice on the screen grabs of my wish list that some of my items were added back in November of last year. Whenever I think of an item I could use at home, I'm delighted to add it to the list. I just can't think of more fun in goal setting than my MKC wish list!

So what are you waiting for? #Jointheteam...Team MKC...and join soon! There are still Barn Sale like prices on select items during their winter sale going on through Jan 15.

Here are my top 5 wish list items:

These are my top 5 wish list items.

Click any image below to see more & shop!

Hot Pink Office Chair

Glass Desk

Sharpie Markers

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